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In this section you will find all the versions of Qucs which have been released so far. Also we provide links to the FreeHDL versions.

Source code

Official binaries

GIT repository

If you are one of the impatient you can use latest GIT. GIT can have the bugfixes and features you've always wanted, but also be much less stable than a release. Be aware of that.

Pulling from GIT:

        $  git clone git://git.code.sf.net/p/qucs/git qucs

To build:

        $ cd qucs/qucs/
        $ sh autogen.sh
        $ ./configure --prefix=/tmp/qucs --enable-maintainer-mode
        $ make && make install
        $ cd ..

        $ cd qucs/qucs-core/
        $ sh autogen.sh
        $ ./configure --prefix=/tmp/qucs --enable-maintainer-mode
        $ make && make install
        $ cd ..

        $ cd qucs/qucs-doc/
        $ sh autogen.sh
        $ ./configure --prefix=/tmp/qucs --enable-maintainer-mode
        $ (cd technical/ && make technical)
        $ (cd tutorial/ && make tutorial)
        $ (cd tutorial/ && make book)
        $ cd ..

To run:

        $ cd /tmp/qucs/bin
        $ ./qucs

To run with a specific language set:

        $ cd /tmp/qucs/bin
        $ LANG=de ./qucs

Nightly GIT snapshot

Each day/night a tarball of current anonymous GIT (all qucs, qucs-doc and qucs-core included) is made and available for download here.

Unofficial Qucs packages

The following pages are not supported by the Qucs team, but interesting none the less.

Logo Link Maintainer / Packager Comment
Qucs Mac OSX Qucs on Mac OSX Guilherme Brondani Torri <guitorri@gmail.com> native package with Qt4, ASCO, freehdl and iverilog; for Intel and MacOSX 10.5+
Qucs Windows Qucs installer for Win32 Frans Schreuder <info@schreuderelectronics.com> Qt4/Windows mingw innoSetup
Qucs KDE-Apps kde-apps.org Michael Margraf <michael.margraf@alumni.tu-berlin.de> Qucs is registered at KDE-apps database
Qucs Gentoo Qucs at Gentoo Marcus D. Hanwell <cryos@gentoo.org>
Qucs Debian Qucs at Debian Jose L. Redrejo Rodriguez <jredrejo@edu.juntaextremadura.net> also FreeHDL and Icarus Verilog available
Qucs FreeBSD Qucs at FreeBSD Dag-Erling Smorgrav <des@FreeBSD.org>
Qucs SuSE SuSE RPM Erasmo Alonso Iglesias <erasmo1982@gmail.com> also the appropriate FreeHDL package available
Qucs OpenSuSE Qucs at OpenSuSE Werner Hoch <werner.ho@gmx.de> available for OpenSuSE versions 10.2, 10.3 and 11.0
Qucs Ubuntu Qucs at Ubuntu Frans Schreuder <info@schreuderelectronics.com> PPA repository: ppa:qucs/qucs
Qucs Puppy Linux Qucs on Puppy Linux Mike Masterson <galoof@optonline.net> also available here
Qucs pkgsrc Qucs at NetBSD Vincent Habchi <10.50@free.fr>
Qucs IRIX Qucs on IRIX Frederick Isaac <freddyisaac@yahoo.com> part of the nekochan project, native build of freely available packages

About the Win32 binary releases

As already mentioned there is an installer package for Qucs for Win32 systems. The relocations of the package (the location where the package gets installed) is mainly steered by environment variables. During a normal installation the appropriate environment variables are automatically set for the user who installed the package.

One of them must be emphasised: HOME. During installation an appropriate file system location will be found. When it was already set then the previous value is assumed. The location decides where the project, intermediate and configuration files will be saved. So when the user wonders about missing project files or lost configuration it's worth to have a look at the environment variables.

If FreeHDL is meant to be used for digital simulation then also the binary package must be downloaded and installed. It requires the MinGW32 compiler. If it is not already installed, it's possible to install a prepared binary package for this, too. It contains the minimal MinGW32 installation required to work with FreeHDL.