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Build From Source

Build Development Sources from Git Repository

Note that Qucs comes bundled with a version of ADMS known to be compatible. By default, this version is built and installed with the commands above. If you would prefer to use a different version of ADMS, you may supply the --diable-adms option to configure.

Build instructions for Win32

There are different methods how to compile the package for Win32:

Build instructions for MacOSX

The following instructions are relevant for Qucs version 0.0.16. Newer versions have not been tested on Mac. If you do so and find problems, or even better, solutions, contact the Qucs team so we can update these instructions. Newer versions of Qucs require Qt4.

In order to build Qucs on a MacOSX you need to have Apple's X11 installed. Also a native build of Qt3/Mac is necessary. This will make the native Aqua widget set available for Qucs.