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Technical documentation

Some technical descriptions (also as pdf) concerning the simulator have been written and are released with each version of Qucs as a ready-to-read postscript document and in its source code form as well. The descriptions have been done besides programming the simulator itself and approach the problems in a pragmatically way. The documentation is maintained as a latex document. Using the program 'latex2html' it is possible to read it online. These pages are going to be updated with each new release of Qucs.


The following citations contain Qucs related publications; either as they appeared on conferences or technical journals.

  1. Mustafa Baser, "Promoting conceptual change through active learning using open source software for physics simulations", Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, vol. 22, no. 3, Nov. 2006.
    Link: http://www.ascilite.org.au/ajet/ajet22/baser.html

  2. Mustafa Baser, "Effects of Conceptual Change and Traditional Confirmatory Simulations on Pre-Service Teachers' Understanding of Direct Current Circuits", Journal of Science Education and Technology, vol. 15, no. 5-6, Dec. 2006.
    Link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10956-006-9025-3

  3. S. Jahn, M. Brinson, M. Margraf, H. Parruitte, B. Ardouin, P. Nenzi and L. Lemaitre, "GNU Simulators Supporting Verilog-A Compact Model Standardization", MOS-AK Meeting, Premstaetten, Mar. 2007.
    Link: http://www.mos-ak.org/premstaetten/papers/MOS-AK_QUCS_ngspice_ADMS.pdf

  4. S. Jahn, M. Brinson and M. Margraf, "Interactive Compact Device Modeling Using Qucs Equation Defined Devices", ESSDERC/ESSCIRC Workshop, MOS-AK Meeting, Munich, Sep. 2007.
    Link: http://www.mos-ak.org/munich/posters/P04_MOS-AK_Brinson.pdf

  5. Moussa, H. and Baranowski, S. and Cauterman, M. and Demoulin, B., "Simulation of a 2D cavity under Qucs", IEEE Symposium on Embedded EMC (2EMC), Rouen, France, 2007, 1-6, Oct.
    Link: http://www.lss.supelec.fr/~publi/SG91bWFtIE1PVVNTQQ==_2emc2007.pdf

  6. Robert Lacoste, "The Darker Side : Antenna basics", Circuit Cellar #211, February 2008, pages 60-69.
    Link: www.circuitcellar.com

  7. M. E. Brinson and S. Jahn, "Qucs: A GPL software package for circuit simulation, compact device modeling and circuit macromodeling from DC to RF and beyond", MOS-AK Meeting, Eindhoven, Apr. 2008.
    Link: http://www.mos-ak.org/eindhoven/papers/06_Qucs_MOS-AK_Eindhoven.pdf
    Additional Poster: EKV2.6 MOSFET compact EDD macromodel.pdf

  8. S. Jahn and M. E. Brinson, "Interactive compact device modelling using Qucs equation-defined devices", International Journal of Numerical Modelling (IJNM): Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, vol. 21, no. 5, May 2008, pages 335-349.
    Link: http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/119030198/abstract

  9. M. E. Brinson and S. Jahn, "Qucs: A GPL software package for circuit simulation, compact device modelling and circuit macromodelling from DC to RF and beyond", International Journal of Numerical Modelling (IJNM): Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, vol. 22, no. 4, Sep. 2008, pages 297-319.
    Link: http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/121397825/abstract

  10. Bah Mamadou, "Modeling and Simulation of The Transistor BFG425W_ NPN_WideBand", The Second International Symposium on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ISEEE), Galaţi (Romania), Sep. 2008.
    Link: http://www.fie.ugal.ro/iseee2008.htm

  11. D. Céli, "HICUM/L0 v1.2 Parameter Extraction and Validation", 21st Bipolar Arbeitskreis (BipAK), Hamburg, Oct. 2008.
    Link: http://www.iee.et.tu-dresden.de/iee/eb/tagung_e.html (BIPOLAR Working Group)

  12. M. E. Brinson and S. Jahn, "Compact macromodelling of operational amplifiers with equation defined devices", International Journal of Electronics (IJE), vol. 96, no. 2, Feb. 2009, pages 109-122.
    Link: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/content~content=a907515497

  13. M. E. Brinson and S. Jahn, "Modelling of high-frequency inductance with Qucs non-linear radio frequency equation defined devices", International Journal of Electronics (IJE), vol. 96, no. 3, Mar. 2009, pages 307-321.
    Link: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/content~content=a909287020

  14. Makoto Mita and Hiroshi Toshiyoshi, "An equivalent-circuit model for MEMS electrostatic actuator using open-source software Qucs", IEICE Electronics Express, vol. 6, no. 5, Mar. 2009, pages 256-263.
    Link: http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/elex/6/5/6_256/_article

  15. M.E. Brinson and S. Jahn, "Building device models and circuit macromodels with the Qucs GPL circuit simulator", MOS-AK Meeting (COMON Project Meeting), Frankfurt/O., Apr. 2009.
    Link: http://www.mos-ak.org/frankfurt_o/papers/M_Brinson_Qucs_COMON_April_2_2009_final.pdf

  16. M.E. Brinson, S. Jahn and M. Cullinan, "Advances in compact semiconductor device modelling and circuit macromodelling with the Qucs GPL circuit simulator", MOS-AK Meeting, Frankfurt/O., Apr. 2009.
    Link: http://www.mos-ak.org/frankfurt_o/papers/P_7_Brinson_MOS-AK_April_2009_final.pdf

  17. M.E. Brinson and S. Jahn, "Compact device modelling for established and emerging technologies with the Qucs GPL circuit simulator", 16th International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (MIXDES), Łódź, 25-27 June 2009, pages 39-44, IEEE Catalog Number CFP09MIX-PRT.
    Link: https://www.mixdes.org/MIXDES_info.htm?year=2009

  18. M.E. Brinson and H. Nabijou, "Z Domain Delay Subcircuits and Compact Verilog-A Macromodels for Mixed-mode Sampled Data Circuit Simulation", Test Technology Technical Council (TTTC) of the IEEE Computer Society, Radioelectronics & Informatics Journal, vol. 45, no. 2, April-June 2009, pages 14-20, ISSN 1563-0064.
    Link: http://www.ewdtest.com/ri/ri-2009-2.htm

  19. A. Zonca, B. Roucaries, B. Williams, I. Rubin, O. D'Arcangelo, P. Meinhold, P. Lubin, C. Franceschet, S. Jahn, A. Mennella, M. Bersanelli, "Modeling the frequency response of microwave radiometers with QUCS", ArXiv e-prints: 1011.6363, Astrophysics - Journal of Instrumentation (JINST), vol. 5, December 2010, DOI 10.1088/1748-0221/5/12/T12001.
    Link: http://arxiv.org/abs/1011.6363

  20. M. E. Brinson, S. Jahn and H. Nabijou, "A tabular source approach to modelling and simulating device and circuit noise in the time domain", International Journal of Numerical Modelling (IJNM): Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, February 2011, DOI 10.1002/JNM.801.
    Link: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jnm.801/abstract